Topic outline
Session 1: Overcoming Workforce Challenges in Times of COVID-19
Session 2: Impacts of Burnout in the Workforce
Session 3: Change of Shift Report: A Crucial 30 Minutes!
Session 4: Compassion Fatigue
Session 5: Enlarging the Care Team
Session 6: Working with Travelers and Agency Staff
Session 7: Joy in Work
Session 8: Rewards and Recognitions
Session 9: Grief and Loss
Session 10: Delayed Grief and Loss
Session 11: Social Isolation
Session 12: Strategies for Increasing Social Connectedness Part 1
Session 13: Strategies for Increasing Social Connectedness Part 2
Session 14: Advance Care Planning
Session 15: The POLST in SNFs
Topic 16
Session 17: Depression in the Nursing Home
Session 18: Frailty and The Prognostication Game
Zoom breakout rooms were used during this session. Breakout rooms were not recorded.
Topic 19
Topic 20
Topic 21
Topic 22
Topic 23